Thank you for Global Fashion Summit 2024!

Closing Address

Systems Change: It Starts With Ourselves

Keynote Presentation

  • Impact accountability and grassroots activism: exploring the foundational pillars of Patagonia in the context of 2024
  • Mechanisms to enable a global brand to share profits with planet
  • Hacking human impulses in the name of Capitalism: what is ‘The Shitthropocene and how do we save ourselves from ourselves?

The Power Play of Sustainability and Sport

Keynote Conversation

Luxury, Leather and Land

Panel Discussion

  • The new luxury leather mix: confronting long-standing challenges for an interconnected value chain ecosystem and regenerative materials
  • All eyes on ethics: are welfare standards and ethical certifications enough in the face of animal exploitation?
  • Viable leather alternatives how to drive scale and performance qualities alongside demand for conventional materials

Next Level Barrier: Fashion’s conventional global leather consumption causes deforestation, land degradation and challenges animal welfare
Solution Unlock: Define and demonstrate commitment for a new luxury leather mix, integrating approaches including biofabrication and regenerative agriculture


✷ Includes partner content

Inclusion as Enabler: Access and Equity

Keynote Address

  • Democratising fashion: inclusive design, better brand assortment and meaningful product opportunities across adaptive collections
  • Centering representation: from apparel to impact, how is fashion rewriting its legacy to serve historically underrepresented consumer communities?
  • Action and Collaboration: positive change by collaborating across the industry to create a more inclusive, innovative, and sustainable fashion industry.

Next Level Barrier: Traditional fashion sector structures are slowing down the pace of transformation
Solution Unlock: Implement diversity, equity and inclusion policies and requirements as part of an embedded SDI strategy

✷ Includes partner content

Tipping the Scale on Circular Material Adoption

Panel Discussion

  • A marginal difference? From commitment to action on recycled material offtake across the value chain
  • Innovation towards stronger purchasing commitment mechanisms: driving the required pricing and performance benefits of circular textiles
  • Circular or recycled? Systems shifts to share rewards of reintroduced waste streams

Next Level Barrier: Fluctuating demand for recycled fibres is slowing the sustainable material transition and can discourage investment in material innovation
Solution Unlock: Collective action and offtake commitments to reach economies of scale

Includes grantor content + partner content

Fashion’s Loss and Damage

Keynote Presentation

15 Years of Activating Impact

Keynote Panel Discussion

  • Fashion finds itself at a critical juncture. What is specific about the context of this year for fashion’s journey towards Net Positive?
  • Collaborative action and evidence-based progress: reflecting on poignant highlights that demonstrate the evolution of this work since 2009
  • What is the next level for this community of fashion leadership? From each speakers in-depth experience, what are the specific barriers and unlocks that we must urgently grapple with?

When Skills and Stories Combine

Fireside chat

  • Carrying craft across generations, cultures and communities to pioneer true sustainable strategy
  • Exploring the rich layers of dialogue that drive our understanding of luxury fashion creation
  • When skills and stories combine: people-centric fashion impact that goes beyond industry understandings

Conserving the Craft of Luxury

Keynote Conversation

  • Inspiring a human-centric, skills-based approach to creation and production
  • Embracing the preservation of craft values as a guardian of cultural practice
  • How cultural values can reshape our personal connection with clothing