Recycled Textiles: Technical Barriers to Scaling Adoption – Bangladesh case study

Co-Hosted by UNIDO

A barrier to brand adoption of recycled materials is material quality, which is currently one of the deterrents of a more rapid scale-up of circular textile systems. Leveraging insights from the BESTSELLER Switch to Upstream Circularity pilot in Bangladesh, this closed-door, executive-level roundtable meeting will unlock potential solutions, such as design team engagement, segregation of waste feedstock and beyond.

Global Textiles Policy Forum

The Global Textiles Policy Forum seeks to address the need for global policy coordination by providing a platform for governments and textile industry associations from around the world. This closed-door, executive-level roundtable meeting will gather the forum participants one year after its the launch, following the first meetings of the different workstreams.

Future Fibers: Enabling the Circular Model

Fireside chat

  • The pace of fashion’s shift towards circular fibers must urgently increase, maintaining cost and quality considerations
  • Which technological enablers can transform textile waste into high-quality, ready-to-spin recycled raw materials?
  • Revolutionizing textile-to-textile recycling technology to enable the fashion & textile industry to shift to circularity

Next Level Barrier:
Textile recycling has so far been limited to recycling pure compositions at small scales
Solution Unlock: Introduce a next generation greentechsolution to recycle majority textile waste inputs into quality circular fibers

✷ Includes sponsor content

All Eyes on Ethics: Alternative Material Futures

Round The Room


Elevating the Consumer-Citizen Role

Round The Room

  • In a year of global elections, democracies can empower and enable citizen-level action towards circular economies on a massive scale
  • But how is the fashion sector understanding the role of the consumer within the sustainable transition so far?
  • From new retail models through to an ever-increasing level of knowledge and discernment in pop-culture, what actions are making an impact?


Next Level Barrier: Discrepancy between civil society and industry roles confuse the pathway towards a net positive fashion sector by displacing responsibilities
Solution Unlock: Pioneer collaborative circular responsibility from both stakeholders, focused on metrics and approaches to designing, styling and wearing

Celebrating Circular Business Models

Case Study

  • Rethinking value: what will it take to keep products in use through circular business models?
  • A question of scale: tactics, techniques and incentives for making second-hand the first choice from both brand and retailer perspectives
  • Increased revenue from circular business models: what metrics signal success for circular businesses, and how can fashion brands start making the transition?


Next Level Barrier: The majority of fashion sector revenue is not coming from circular business models
Solution Unlock: Rethink performance indicators, incentives, products and customer experiences while eliminating messages encouraging unnecessary consumption 

Unlocking Global Collaboration

Case Study

  • Fashion is a global sector with a global value-chain – so relies on successful collaboration between a wide range of stakeholders, regions and emerging markets
  • In today’s global context and macro-economic climate, how are new iterations of collaboartion elevating the development of the fashion sector as a whole?
  • How is fashion empowering practitioners in the field in paradigm-shifting and inspiring new ways ?


Next Level Barrier: Region-specific context must be understood by all collaborating stakeholders working towards a circular economy
Solution Unlock: Connect specific value-chain innovations and regional markets within a wider context of strategy towards a thriving fashion sector

✷ Includes partner + grantor content

Unpacking Policy: Eco Design Principles

Round The Room

  • A new paradigm: what is the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation and how can fashion view policy change as an opportunity for creative problem-solving?
  • How are fashion’s design and product visionaries creating impact through adaptation and innovation?
  • Empowering designers to reimagine existing systems: setting new industry standards through visionary collaboration


Next Level Barrier: Policy experts and fashion experts struggle to speak the same language, which prevents effective policy implementation
Solution Unlock: A facilitated dialog to explore and demonstrate the impact of ecodesign for sustainable products regulation on product design